
Spirituality is the foundation of the life and vocation of a Franciscan Hospitaller Sister. It is the way of being in communion with God and experiencing His love and presence. 

The FHIC seeks to meet the Lord in personal and community prayer, and in attentive listening to His Word, in every situation of her life.

Our Franciscan Hospitaller identity is shaped by:

  • Minority the result of loving Christ, who was poor, humble, and obedient to the cross, following the example of St. Francis of Assisi: I want our Fraternity to be called Lesser Brothers (1C 38).
  • Hospitality – being alert and vigilant, to see God’s action in history, where He calls us to serve in His name: Go in my name, go to be my presence among the poor and the needy.
  • Fruitfulness – is hospitality in action, women with compassionate hearts, welcoming spirits, missionary feet, open hands, lives that bear fruit for the kingdom of God.